
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Our Leadership

The Central Bank of the UAE employs more than 780 people across its various departments. Find out about CBUAE’s leadership, senior team members and policy committees here.

Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Presidential Court and Chairman of Central Bank of the UAE

H.H. Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

H.H. Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan
H.E. Jassem Mohammed Bu Ataba Al Zaabi

Vice Chairman

H.E. Jassem Mohammed Bu Ataba Al Zaabi

Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman

H.E. Abdulrahman Al Saleh


H.E. Khaled Mohamed Balama

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H.E. Khaled Mohamed Balama

Board Member

H.E. Younis Haji Al Khoori


Board Member

H.E. Ali Mohammed Bakheet Al Rumaithi

H.E. Sami Ahmad Dhaen Al Qamzi

Board Member

H.E. Sami Ahmad Dhaen Al Qamzi

Our People


H.E. Khaled Mohamed Balama

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H.E. Khaled Mohamed Balama
H.E. Ebrahim Al Zaabi

Assistant Governor for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability

H.E. Ebrahim Al Zaabi

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Ibraheem Al Sayed Mohamed Al Hashemi

Assistant Governor - Executive Office and Secretary General of the Board of Directors

Ibraheem Al Sayed Mohamed Al Hashemi

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Ahmed Al Qamzi

Assistant Governor for Banking and Insurance Supervision

Ahmed Al Qamzi

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 Saif Al Dhaheri

Assistant Governor for Banking Operations and Support Services

Saif Al Dhaheri

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Fatma Al Jabri

Assistant Governor for Financial Crime, Market Conduct and Consumer Protection

Fatma Al Jabri

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Executive Level Committees

Executive Level Committees

The CBUAE has seven working committees to ensure an efficient and proactive decision-making process.

Financial Stability Policy Committee

Financial Stability Policy Committee

This committee reviews financial and economic developments, identifies threats to the UAE’s financial and economic stability to mitigate systemic risks, and reviews related analyses and publications.

Monetary and Reserves Management Committee

Monetary and Reserves Management Committee

This committee’s primary objective is to ensure monetary stability through the use of monetary management, policy tools and reserve management, optimising tactical asset allocation and adopting investment guidelines.

Supervisory and Regulatory Committee

Supervisory and Regulatory Committee

This committee is responsible for the supervision, safety and soundness of financial institutions licensed by the CBUAE, by proposing and implementing regulations and recommending enforcement actions.

Executive Committee

Executive Committee

This committee decides on all matters related to the CBUAE’s operations and support functions, and any other matters delegated to it by the CBUAE Board of Directors to ensure efficient and effective use of the CBUAE’s resources.

Risk Committee

Risk Committee

This committee is responsible for recommending risk management frameworks to the Board Risk Committee, and implementing policies to maintain adequate and effective risk management across all areas of the CBUAE’s remit.

Strategy Committee

Strategy Committee

This committee is responsible for the CBUAE’s strategy, which encompasses financial stability, consumer protection, supervisory and regulatory, and monetary and reserve management.

Financial Crisis Preparedness and Management Committee

Financial Crisis Preparedness and Management Committee

In response to the risk of systemic financial distress, this committee co-ordinates the response and financial crisis management measures adopted by the CBUAE to ensure that serious problems in the financial system are addressed effectively and immediately.

Code of Conduct

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