
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Exchange Rates

The Central Bank of the UAE provides exchange rates for more than 70 global currencies, which are updated daily. These include key currencies such as the US Dollar; Swiss Franc; Euro; GB Pound and Japanese Yen. 

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The Emirates Interbank Offered Rate (known as EIBOR) is the benchmark interest rate for lending between banks within the UAE, stated in UAE Dirhams (the national unit of currency). 

The EIBOR is also the reference rate used by borrowers and lenders to conduct financial transactions in the UAE for loans such as mortgages, personal and car loans. 

Economic Indicators

The Central Bank of the UAE provides updated economic indicators for an overview of the macro-economy. 

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Last updated on: Thursday 06 June 2024

Total visitors 98043