
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Accessibility Policy

As part of our efforts to reach people with limited mobility and provide access to the Central Bank of the UAE's services, we have designed this website with enhanced features to provide users with the best experience.

We believe that everyone should be able to access our website content quickly and easily, and aim to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) at level AAA. These guidelines are a requirement of all UAE Government Ministry websites. 


Contact us 

If you are having problems accessing content on our website or would like to suggest improvements, please follow this link to share your feedback.  



Accessibility features 

This website uses several features to help everyone, particularly people of determination, to access our information and services easily. These features include: 



Website structure 

The CBUAE follows the recommendations that comply with the international standards adopted by Dubai Smart Gov. to maintain the website structure, navigation, and look and feel. You should always have a positive experience while browsing the portal. 



Zoom screen 

Those with poor visual ability can use the Zoom function on their browsers to enlarge the page and view any images. You can change the page size by clicking on the View menu. Then, click on Zoom and adjust the page size according to your needs. 



Text to speech 

We provide a ‘text to speech’ tool for the visually impaired. 



Change text size 

If you have difficulty reading the text on our portal, you can increase or decrease the text-size by clicking on the A- ----- A+ icons on the top right corner of the webpage. 


Alternatively, you can also adjust the text-size setting of your browser in the following way: 

  • Internet Explorer: Change the text size setting in your browser by clicking on the View menu. Then, click on Text Size and select the size you require. 
  •  Firefox: Change the size of the text in your browser by clicking on the View menu. Then, select Increase or Decrease to change the text size. Alternatively you can press ´Ctrl´ and ´+´ keys on the numeric keypad to increase the text size, or ´Ctrl´ and ´-´ (minus) keys to decrease the text size. Pressing ´Ctrl´ and ´0´ returns you to the default size. 
  • Google Chrome: Change the text size in your browser by clicking on the main menu. Then, click on Zoom and adjust the text-size. Alternatively you can press ´Ctrl´ and ´+´ keys on the numeric keypad to increase the text size, or ´Ctrl´ and ´-´ (minus) to decrease the text size. Pressing ´Ctrl´ and ´0´ returns you to the default size. 
  • Opera: Change the size of both text and graphics using the ´+´ and ´-´ (minus) keys on the numeric keypad. Each press will increase or decrease the size by 10 percent. 
  • Safari: To change text size in the safari, click on the View menu. Then click on Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller to change the font size as you like. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts: Increase or decrease the text size with ´Apple´ and ´+´ and ´Apple´ and ´-´ (minus) keys. 



Change colours 

The CBUAE follows international recommendations for those who may find it difficult to read certain text in the given background colour combinations. You can change colours easily in your web browser. 

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Last updated on: Friday 05 August 2022

Total visitors 7340