
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Cyber-Security Centre of Excellence

The Risk Management and Compliance Department is the second line of defence for the Central Bank of the UAE, responsible for the management and oversight of the financial risks and non-financial risks.

It Identifies, manages, and reports all financial and non-financial risks faced by all CBUAE functions. Its primary purpose is promoting awareness of risk management among CBUAE staff, and establishing a CBUAE risk-aware culture.


A secure UAE financial sector infrastructure that inspires technological innovation and supports economic growth.


To collaborate with the UAE’s financial sector stakeholders to support real-world cyber-security capabilities that address business needs.

The Cyber-Security Centre of Excellence:

  • Employs information sharing and threat intelligence.

  • Co-ordinates incident response for major incidents that impact an entity or multiple entities.

  • Hones the capability and capacity of entities to respond to cyber-attacks.

  • Evaluates the cyber- resilience of entities through periodic “red team” assessment.

  • Provides regulatory oversight and advises different entities in the financial sector as required.

Cyber-Security Role

Situational Awareness

Guided Incident Response


“Red Team” Assessment

The Licensed Entities that are covered by the Cyber-Security Centre of Excellence

  • Banks
  • Financial Companies
  • Financial Investment Companies
  • Money Exchanges
  • Financial Intermediaries
  • Insurance Companies


Cyber War Games Simulation Exercise

Information Sharing Platform

Vulnerability Disclosure Programme

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Last updated on: Thursday 28 July 2022

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