
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Bank Guidelines

The most up to date guidelines for banks licensed to operate in the UAE, prepared by the Central Bank of the UAE Regulatory Department.

Cyber risk

We work to combat cyber risk and ensure the UAE financial sector is resilient to any disruptions to its operations. 

UAE Basel II-Guidelines for Banks

All banks licensed to operate in the UAE are required to follow the regulations and standards outlined in the Basel II Guidelines.

Bank Guidelines

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act FATCA

FATCA UAE Guidance Notes

05 July 2015

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act FATCA

FATCA Agreement

16 June 2015

Bank Provisions

Provisioning Clarification and Guidelines Manual

11 November 2010


All banks operating in the UAE are required to adopt and follow the guidelines provided by the CBUAE.  

The banking guidelines provided by CBUAE seek to ensure the safety and soundness of the banking industry by mitigating risk and fraud. To the same end, the guidelines also sure financial providers maintain the required standards of operating quality. 

Please follow this link to access all the latest banking guidelines.  

Yes. When searching for banking guidelines on our website, we do offer the ability to filter and view historical guidelines that no longer apply.  

The banking guidelines are deliberately drawn up to cover the areas of risk and opportunity most relevant to the industry today. This includes threats such as fraud and cyber risk, alongside operations, technology, and the Higher Shari’ah Authority.  

The full list of guidelines is found on this page above.  

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Last updated on: Friday 05 August 2022

Total visitors 8083