
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Research and Statistics

The Central Bank of the UAE has a dedicated function to gather accurate, insightful and up-to-date data on the UAE’s financial and monetary system.

The mandate of the Research and Statistics Department (RSD) is to compile and produce quality data in a timely manner, in line with internationally-recognised methods. Providing access to actionable economic research and analysis supports appropriate decision-making across the financial and monetary sector.

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The RSD comprises two entities: the Data and Statistics Centre (DSC) and the Research and Analysis Division (RAD).

  • The DSC is responsible for:
    • Compiling and distributing statistics related to banking, monetary, insurance and balance of payments. 
    • Providing departments and higher management with requested statistical information and the publishing of data and statistical bulletins.
    • Responding to data and statistics requests from domestic, regional and international institutions. 
    • Implementing data enhancement projects for cross-border transfers. 
    • Conducting statistical surveys. 
    • Contributing to the National Agenda. 
  • The RAD leads on:
    • The CBUAE’s research agenda to support informed decision-making. 
    • Supporting CBUAE’s higher management and internal departments with analyses and studies on economic-related topics. 
    • Collaborating with local, regional and international institutions on requests related to domestic and international developments. 

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Integrated Statistics Warehouse (ISW)

The Integrated Statistics Warehouse (ISW) holds all available monetary and banking statistics compiled and published by the CBUAE.

The general public can access, search (by topic and frequency) and download all historical data located in the ISW TSDB system free of charge.  

Statistics Projects

Plastic Cards Project

Find here all currently available statistical projects including notices, presentations, notes and guidelines from CBUAE.


Our status as a gatekeeper of the UAE’s financial system places us in a prime position to inform the public and our stakeholders of the CBUAE's insights into the global financial and monetary system. RSD leads the way in preparing and distributing these insights to help readers and other stakeholders to make informed decisions.

Alongside our recurring reports such as the UAE MSME Business Survey Report, the CBUAE research and statistics team aims to produce and distribute new findings continually on changes in the global and local financial and monetary system. Be sure to visit our research and statistics page regularly for the latest releases.

All research and data are available for download on this page 

Please ensure that you attribute any such information to the CBUAE where necessary. Failure to do so would be a breach of our open data policy.  

We insist on following internationally-recognised standards and methods in the sourcing, analysing and distribution of all data from our Research and Statistics Department (RSD) and other parts of our organisation.  


Our RSD follows a rigid and rigorous internal quality control process to complement our close collaboration with expert third-party entities that support us in conducting research in the field.  

Yes, you may do so in our dedicated archived reports page, located here.  

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